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Live Q&A - Introduction to the Data Model Architecture for Embedded Systems
John Taylor - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 22:05

Thanks for the great presentation. This is a very interesting architecture and I'm going to investigate it further for use in future proejcts.
Thanks for the presentation. The valid / invalid attribute of a model point looks like it could be implemented using std::optional
10:34:39 From Keith J : you mentioned that always need to look at the valid flag, I can understand why it might be invalid initially but you mentioned going from valid to invalid and back to valid... what are some examples/reasons that data would be flagged invalid after having valid data? 10:35:19 From Davy Baker : Is there a use case where a different architecture is better ? 10:35:24 From BobF : With a formal background in Mathematics (+ CS), using a Data-orientated model as opposed to more common application function/object-orientated models, could mathematical ‘Formal Methods’ (Predicate/Proposition semantics) be applied in a similar but entirely different fashion? Comment : I’m thinking along the lines of increasing overall robustness of application design. Further, there appears to be a significant shift towards Data-orientated models in AI/ML/DL applications, understandably! 10:39:46 From Keith J : got it thx 10:43:44 From BobF : No prob ... thanks! 10:44:15 From Gonzalo : I could not understand well why the data used must be atomic readable/writable. A model data point has many parameters anyway 10:53:04 From René Andrés Ayoroa : Thank you, John. I enjoyed your book. 10:53:13 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Thank you very much, John! I'll read your book and study more! 10:53:21 From Lyden Smith : Thank you John! 10:53:33 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes : Remotely is the best way kkk 10:53:46 From Raul Pando : Thanks John
Thank you, John.