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What's new in Bluetooth 5.4?

Abhijeet Srivastava - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 13:26

What's new in Bluetooth 5.4?
Abhijeet Srivastava

Bluetooth 5.4 introduced many new interesting features such as PAwR (Periodic Advertising with Response), and Encrypted Advertising Data. It also introduced the ESL profile which uses these features. Let's dive a little deeper into this and gain a deeper understanding.

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Score: 0 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Hello Abhijeet, can you please send some reference links for the two topics you mentioned in your summary slide:

  • Encrypted Advertising Data
  • LE GATT Security Levels Characteristic
    Thank you, Kerry Woodbury
Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply
Score: 0 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Is it possible to use PAwR with smartphones (with PAST) ? I looked quickly at the Android Bluetooth API and did not found anything related to PAwR.
I was interested in using PAwR to manage a set of wearable devices

Score: 0 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Hi Nathan,
I don't know much about how Android can do this. However, I know that Nordic and Zephyr RToS have related examples that you could look into. Checkout Bluez, maybe? https://developer.nordicsemi.com/nRF_Connect_SDK/doc/latest/zephyr/samples/bluetooth/periodic_adv_rsp/README.html

Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply

Zephyr actually provides examples for both the advertiser and the observer in PAwR. Bluez does not seem to be a viable option of Android app unfortunately.

Score: 0 | 11 months ago | 1 reply

Thanks for the talk! I’d be curious to learn the motivation for adding bidirectional advertising in BT 5.4. I'm inferring that it was added to allow a central to update date on the peripheral w.o pairing.

Score: 0 | 11 months ago | no reply

Hi Alice,
I think you have got the gist of it. I can only guess what could have been the motivation for creating bidirectional advertisement. It is sort of the low-energy version of Bluetooth mesh, which provides support for a 1 to-many topology and is near realtime so, it requires pairing and active scanning. So, it wasn't power-friendly and was meant for devices plugged into a power outlet. PAwR on the other hand is intended for low latency applications and is periodical which helps saves energy.
I hope that gives you an idea :)