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Live Discussion - Bringing Low Power, High Performance Audio and Voice to Market on the i.MX RT600 Crossover MCU

Brendon Slade - Mike Vartanian - NXP - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 30:46

This is your chance to chat with Brendon Slade, Director of the general purpose MCU Ecosystem team @ NXP, and Mike Vartanian, Director of Strategic Partnerships at DSP Concepts. Discussions will be centered around Audioweaver tools and the new i.MX RT600 MCU,
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Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

Hello Mike and Brendon; thank you for the replies to my questions. I will be in touch!

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

What are the considerations for the number and arrangement of microphones for a given application?

Mike VartanianSpeaker
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

There are many considerations when thinking about the number and arrangement of microphones...
1.) Degree of Operation - Does the system need full 360 degree operation or is 180 degrees sufficient?
2.) Microphone Placement - On top of the product, microphones visible to user, properly ported, spaced properly.
3.) Microphone Geometry - Line arrays are last choice an only if necessary. Microphone arrays work best if the microphones are displaced in the horizontal plane.
I would be glad to discuss further specifics.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Is MATLAB (and toolboxes) required to run the Audio Weaver Designer tool?

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Bryce - MATLAB is not required to use Audio Weaver, but you can use these tools together.

Mike VartanianSpeaker
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

As the current version of Audio Weaver Designer was built using MATLAB, the PRO version will enable you to automate and run scripts in Matlab using APIs.