Aaron Bauch

Aaron Bauch is a Senior Field Application Engineer at IAR Systems working with customers in the Eastern
United States and Canada. Aaron has worked with embedded systems and software for companies
including Intel, Analog Devices and Digital Equipment Corporation. His designs cover a broad range of
applications including medical instrumentation, navigation and banking systems. Aaron has also taught a
number of college level courses including Embedded System Design as a professor at Southern NH
University. Mr. Bauch Holds a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from The Cooper Union and a
Masters in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University, both in New York, NY.
Enabling TrustZone Without the Complications
Status: Available NowArm's TrustZone technology, available on Arm application processors for many years, was released for microcontroller cores a few years ago and is now becoming common in the leading microcontroller vendor product lines. While TrustZone provides some very valuable and relatively simple technologies for securing embedded systems, once enabled, it can be significantly difficult to set up and manage. This talk will focus on what TrustZone is, and how IAR's security add-on tools can enable a secure boot based system using TrustZone to be implemented simply while utilizing all of the features afforded by the new technology.