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Agus Mulyana

Agus Mulyana, a graduate of electrical engineering, is an embedded systems and IoT engineer, with more than 15 years of experience in the embedded systems sector. Working as an academic as well as an industrial practitioner as founder, CEO and CTO in startups in the embedded systems and IoT sector. Focus on product research and development on embedded systems and IoT for agriculture, health and transportation. Currently pursuing a PhD in computer science.

Embedded System for IoT in Rural : A Proposed Solution

Status: Available Now

Embedded systems have an important role for the internet of things. This unit usually consists of a microcontroller, sensors, actuators and an energy source. For IoT in rural areas, it has its own challenges, due to unstable internet network conditions which can reduce system performance, wasteful energy consumption and can cause the system to malfunction. To overcome this, it is necessary to design embedded systems specifically to anticipate these problems

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