Andres Gomez

Andres Gomez received a dual degree in electronics engineering and systems engineering from the Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia, in 2011, an M.Sc. degree in embedded systems design from the ALaRI Institute, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland, in 2014, and a Ph.D. in electrical engineering and information technology from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, in 2018. After receiving his Ph.D., he has worked at Miromico AG, Switzerland, where he researches low power system design, wireless networking, and harvesting-based systems. Andres has over 10 years of experience with embedded systems, and has worked in multiple research laboratories in Colombia, Italy, and Switzerland. He has co-authored over 20 scientific articles and has contributed to multiple open-source projects.
Batteryless Sensing Systems Powered by Light (2020)
Status: Available NowOver the last decade, energy harvesting has seen significant growth as different markets adopt green, sustainable ways to produce electrical energy. Even though costs have fallen, the embedded computing and internet-of-things community have not yet widely adopted energy harvesting-based solutions. This is partly due to a mismatch between power density in energy harvesters and electronic devices which, until recently, required a battery to be functional. This mismatch is especially accentuated in indoor environments, where there is comparably less primary energy available than in outdoor environments. In this talk, I will focus on photovoltaic harvesting, which has little requirements and a high energy density. Furthermore, I will present a design methodology based on source-load decoupling that can optimize energy flow in dynamic environments. To demonstrate its general applicability, I will present studies on the availability of indoor-based energy and a batteryless smartcard designed for efficient operation using only indoor lighting to sense environmental data and emit Bluetooth beacons.
Key Learning Points:
- Energy Harvesting Technologies
- Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Cells
- Cold Start of Harvesting-Based Systems
- Low Power System Design
- Batteryless Sensing Systems