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Dave Hughes

After gaining a degree in physics and mathematics at Sussex University, Dave joined the embedded development industry in 1985. His career started with assembler programming and progressed through legacy communication protocols in the ‘80s to networking protocols in the ‘90s and later, industrial communication protocols. This experience formed the foundation of his understanding of embedded systems and instilled a sense of idealism about how software for deeply embedded systems should be built to withstand the tests of time and changing demands. In 2000, Dave founded HCC Embedded, where he served as CEO until the company was acquired by data storage management leader, Tuxera.

A hands-on embedded specialist, Dave is now Director of Product Management for Tuxera's core embedded technologies, including fail-safe flash management, file systems, and secure networking software.

Embedded Design During Chip Shortages

Status: Available Now

In these modern times of chip shortages, the need for flexibility and portability in the design of embedded products has been pushed to center stage. There are three main factors that tie your development to a particular microcontroller: the RTOS, the toolchain, and the peripheral controllers. This presentation describes the embedded development practices Tuxera uses to free users of microcontroller dependency, in order to make their software solutions portable – an absolute must for an embedded software company. Your product expertise should not be held hostage to the global supply chain problems. By making good design decisions early in the development process you can make it easier to move to alternative architectures when unexpected supply chain issues appear.

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Live Q&A - Embedded Design During Chip Shortages

Status: Available Now

Live Q&A with Dave Hughes for the theatre talk titled Embedded Design During Chip Shortages

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