Jeridiah Welti

Jeridiah is a Systems and Software Engineer based in Benchmark's Winona, Minnesota location. He serves as Benchmark's cybersecurity lead in the design engineering group, where he champions cybersecurity design practices and processes across the organization. During his tenure with Benchmark, he has led software development for multiple connected medical devices.
Jeridiah also serves as an exam developer for the NCEES engineering and ISC2 cybersecurity licensing boards. He maintains a CSSLP certification among several other professional certifications, holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering from Kettering University, and is currently pursuing an MS in Engineering Management from Arkansas State University.
Why Cybersecurity Should be Earlier in the Design Cycle
Status: Coming up in April 2025!An exploration and justification of why cybersecurity needs to be an upfront consideration in design projects. The author examines the benefits of incorporating secure design early and integrating it throughout the entire lifecycle, as well as the drawbacks of postponing it until the end. Key considerations include budget, time to market, and overall security of the final product.