Orkhan Amiraslanov

Orkhan is a hardware developer at The Things Industries by day and passionate maker by night.
He's enthusiastic about electronics, mechatronics, emerging LPWAN technologies renewable energy.
Orkhan received his BSc in Automation and Process Engineering and his MSc in Embedded Systems.
Prior to working at TTI he worked as a researcher in fields such as applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Human activity recognition and construction site monitoring. He enjoys running, hiking and sharing many of his OSHW designs.
How to Survive Designing Hardware in a Software Company
Status: Available NowThe Generic Node project is an ambitious hardware venture that tries to build a hardware device that is built for software engineers and integrators. It's product vision tants many of the given paradigms and principles in hardware development. Not BOM optimization is the key but reducing the Total Cost of Ownership for the end to end solutions that are built with it. The design is made with the supply chain in mind. With the right security tools the device can be safely distributed across a supply chain of multiple actors yet not expose its security credentials to the third parties involved. The device is made for many different types of applications and comes with a series of cloud integrations.