Philip Koopman

Prof. Philip Koopman is an internationally recognized expert on Autonomous Vehicle (AV) safety whose work in that area spans over 25 years. He is also actively involved with AV policy and standards as well as more general embedded system design and software quality. His pioneering research work includes software robustness testing and run time monitoring of autonomous systems to identify how they break and how to fix them. He has extensive experience in software safety and software quality across numerous transportation, industrial, and defense application domains including conventional automotive software and hardware systems. He originated the UL 4600 standard for autonomous system safety issued in 2020. He is a faculty member of the Carnegie Mellon University ECE department where he teaches software skills for mission-critical systems. In 2018 he was awarded the highly selective IEEE-SSIT Carl Barus Award for outstanding service in the public interest for his work in promoting automotive computer-based system safety. In 2022 he was named to the National Safety Council's Mobility Safety Advisory Group. In 2023 he was named the International System Safety Society's Educator of the Year. He is the author of the books: Better Embedded System Software (2010), How Safe is Safe Enough: measuring and predicting autonomous vehicle safety (2022), and The UL 4600 Guidebook (2022).
Understanding Embedded System Safety
Status: Coming up in April 2025!Most embedded systems have some aspect of safety or mission criticality involved in their design. All embedded developers need to know the safety basics. But this is not a typical safety talk that crawls through the various parts of some specific safety standard. Instead, we will discuss what makes safety engineering processes different from other types of engineering activities, how to think about safety when the loss event is less dramatic than an airplane falling out of the sky, and how to determine how much and what kind of safety engineering you need for your system.
This approach will give attendees a robust framework for thinking about safety without getting caught up in the details of any particular safety standard.
Truths and Myths about Automated Vehicle Safety
Status: Available NowThis talk will cover what is fact, hype, and pure fiction about automated vehicle safety, including both vehicles without human drivers and those that require a human driver to be present.