Steve Scandore

Mars 2020 FSW Technical Lead
Current area of focus is supporting the design and development of flight software and avionics systems for spacecraft applications.
Steve has been a member of the JPL technical staff since 1996 working software information systems for joint defense applications. He moved into writing low level software applications for spacecraft avionics around 2005 before joining the MSL Curiosity flight software (FSW) development team in 2006.
Steve became the M2020 Perseverance FSW Technical Lead in 2014 serving additional roles in avionics and flight system systems engineering. He holds a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering, and has spent a majority of his professional career developing software systems.
Mars Perseverance Software
Status: Available NowAfter several years in development, the Perseverance rover launched from Cape Canaveral Florida on July 30, 2020 on its 300 million mile and 203 day journey to the surface of Mars. The spacecraft successfully performed a precision landing at the Jezero crater landing site on February 18, 2021 beginning its two year primary mission and ensuring the continued flow of interplanetary science from the surface of Mars. The command, control and communication of the spacecraft is carried out by the onboard flight software (FSW) operating on the rover computer element (RCE) avionics. This talk will discuss Mars exploration objectives and provide a background of the FSW used on these missions.
Live Q&A - Mars Perseverance Software
Status: Available NowLive Q&A with Steve Scandore for the keynote session titled Mars Perseverance Software