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Live Q&A - Aggregating Data and Sensor Programming With The Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense Board
Dr. Don Wilcher - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 17:37

Nice presentation Don. I noticed there were no pull-up resistors on the i2c signals in your schematic. Are they on the board or on the display board or internal to the processor?
16:37:26 From Thomas Schaertel to Everyone: Hi Don, did you ever use the Arduino Cloud for making a GUI with GUI elements, graphs, etc.? While presenting sensor data this is really a timesaver. 16:41:26 From Caio J. B. V. Guimaraes to Everyone: It is! There's even a coursera course on TinyML that uses it 16:41:42 From BobF to Everyone: I think that many of the prized s/w techniques can be learnt from constrained devices however, there is so much of a tendency for developers to go with the 'latest and greatest' dev kits. From an educational establishment viewpoint, what can be done to make these more appealing to a wider audience? 16:47:01 From BobF to Everyone: Addition : Before jumping to the more professional (Industry 4.0) Arduino Portenta series of boards. 16:50:50 From Lyden Smith to Everyone: Thank you Don! 16:51:01 From Thomas Schaertel to Everyone: Thank you! 16:51:08 From BobF to Everyone: We can so easily get lost in layers of abstraction, thank you 16:51:09 From Eric to Everyone: Thank you!
Hi DaveK, thanks for the kind comments. The pull resistors for the I2C signals are on the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense pcb. Here is a link to obtain the electronic circuits schematic diagram for the microcontroller platform. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://docs.arduino.cc/resources/schematics/ABX00071-schematics.pdf