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Live Q&A - Build your Own Embedded Middleware
Andreas Jarosch - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 05:19

Hi Thomas,
thank you for your kind words! I am really glad to hear you like the talk!
Yeah, the books are a treasure trove!
It was a pleasure rereading them over and over for the talk preparation, I usually use them in a more reference on demand fashion…glad you liked them, too! Feel free to comment if something is missing!
Regarding the full content - Engineering Mindset: Online, there is 0.9 Speed or a pause buttons 🤓😜
Thanks for taking your time to join my session! 🙃 Enjoy the conference!
Adding reading materials for further detail is a great touch, I've added a couple to my shopping list.
Thank you for your feedback Scott - great to hear you liked the booklist idea and even better you found something useful to augment your library!
I am always interested in getting classics, so if you feel something is missing, please share!
Thanks for taking your time to join my session! 🙃 Enjoy the conference!
10:36:11 From David to Everyone: Very good presentation! Do you know of any project examples that can be run on eval boards for example the NXP FRDM boards? 10:38:02 From BobF to Everyone: COMMENT - Impressive effort given to the slides thank you. Qu. What are your thoughts on using virtual interpreted-code middleware i.e. JVM for example ... for Real-Time embedded systems? 10:41:12 From BobF to Everyone: Avoid !? 10:52:45 From BobF to Everyone: Standing on Newton or Feynman? 10:53:36 From Lyden Smith to Everyone: Thank you Andreas! 10:53:44 From Stephane to Everyone: Thanks!!!
Hi Andreas, that was a fast paced talk full of information! Well done! I highly recommend your talk, also the book recommendations are invaluable! Hope to hear more from you on embeddedrelated.com.
Thank you