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Live Q&A - Easy Embedded Security Integration with STSAFE and STM32CubeMX
John Tran - STMicroelectronics - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 50:52

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thank you so much for this valuable presentation !
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Thank you for the presentation!
Thank you for your time.
Is there an IDE for RUST programming for STM MCUs?
Our IDE currently supports only C and C++.
Interesting and useful device. I guess the device can be used with any microcontroller, not necessarily an STM32 device? Is there documentation regarding the I2C protocol?
That's right. Any MCU can be used. I2C protocol is described in the datasheet. It is standardized I2C.
In the case of devices bought off the shelve, they come with a pre-loaded certificate. What does garanty that those certificate are safe enough? If so, we assume that custom certificate adds an additional level of security to worth the service proposed by ST, right?
In our secured factory, we load the key pair inside the STSAFE. The private key never leaves the STSAFE so it is completely secure. Those certificates are signed by ST as a certificate authority. A custom certificate would mean that the STSAFE has a profile that is only specific to you and no one else.
You sure convince , I am going to use this chip in my current design
Yes. If your volume is over 5k, you can load the device with your own key pairs.
looks well thought product, aligned w/ standards and certified.
14:11:37 From Bob Fish to Everyone: Hi John, what are your own personal thoughts regarding future security solutions with the threat of cryptographic engines designed using quantum qubit processing devices ... around the corner? 14:12:21 From Shabbir to Everyone: What if a key was to get compromise. How could a replacement be delivered safely. 14:21:23 From Vinicius Pereira to Everyone: About LE audio, how widespread are Bluetooth peers using it? In my company we often find by chance that a peer uses LE audio instead of classic, and it is dificult to find compliant peers to test. Also could it be possible to use one STM32WB as a sink device with a smartphone sharing audio by LE? 14:24:03 From Bob Fish to Everyone: Hi Colin, does it make any sense if there was adaptive latency that would depend on the characteristics of the audio signal itself. Obviously, real-time requires minimal delay but not necessarily everything else! 14:31:11 From Bob Fish to Everyone: (Audio Transmission) Thanks for the reply. Certainly the characteristics of the channel, between the source and the sink, determines the signal delay aka latency however, I was wondering if there were applications out there where latency could be deliberately varied, for capacity optimisation reasons et al ... dependent upon the audio signal itself. 14:31:30 From Gordon to Everyone: Thank you 14:36:30 From Lyden Smith to Everyone: Can the STSAFE be paired with non-STM microcontrollers?
Thank you for the presentation Mr John.