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Live Q&A - Example of BDD Style TDD For Embedded System Software
Steve Branam - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 23:09

Hey Steve - Holy cow. There is an immense amount of useful information included there. I'm going to have to watch that 4-5 more times just to have a chance of digesting it all. :D I'm sure that took you an insane amount of time to put together. Thank you so much. Question: Would this be a decent restatement of what you're presenting or not? BDD is really a "best practices" for TDD in that you should be creating tests that describe what your code is supposed to be doing and not how? Because with TDD, you can really go off the rails with tests that focus on implementation and not function. (Reposted - see live Q&A for response).
15:04:03 From Keith J to Everyone: Hey Steve - Holy cow. There is an immense amount of useful information included there. I'm going to have to watch that 4-5 more times just to have a chance of digesting it all. :D I'm sure that took you an insane amount of time to put together. Thank you so much. Question: Would this be a decent restatement of what you're presenting or not? BDD is really a "best practices" for TDD in that you should be creating tests that describe what your code is supposed to be doing and not how? Because with TDD, you can really go off the rails with tests that focus on implementation and not function. 15:04:14 From Keith J to Everyone: Ok, yea Jack asked same thing 15:07:06 From Stephane to Keith J(Direct Message): Hey Keith! I would love for your 'holy cow' comment to be posted under the talk, in the 'Questions & Comments' section. So that people who consider the talk see the point of view of another attendee... 15:08:01 From Keith J to Stephane(Direct Message): sure thing... by that do you mean on the website? 15:08:25 From Stephane to Keith J(Direct Message): Replying to "sure thing... by tha..." Yes, right under the session: https://embeddedonlineconference.com/session/Example_of_BDD_Style_TDD_For_Embedded_System_Software 15:08:41 From Keith J to Stephane(Direct Message): Replying to "sure thing... by tha..." No problem. Thanks for all you and Jack do! 15:08:56 From Gonzalo to Everyone: Can BDD help in the design process of a software? I mean while exploring how to solve requirements and exceptions. How to mockup the behaviour of the system lower layers when they don’t even exist? 15:09:07 From Stephane to Keith J(Direct Message): Replying to "sure thing... by tha..." Thanks!!! 15:14:53 From BobF to Everyone: Should the umbella term, for TDD & BDD, be 'Verification & Validation'? 15:15:20 From James Grenning to Everyone: are ther places where you cannot use TDD? 15:18:33 From tyhw to Everyone: Can BDD help when most of the issues I seem to see are related to when SW interfaces with HW? 15:20:50 From BobF to Everyone: Comment: V&V is certainly a nightmare for Hardware ... with all the permutations possible !! 15:24:24 From BobF to Everyone: Discipline is certainly critical here, and that can be elusive, for most us! Thanks to all 15:24:51 From Stephane to Steve Branam(Direct Message): Thank you Steve! 15:25:11 From Lyden Smith to Everyone: Thank you Steve! 15:25:12 From Andrew MacIsaac to Everyone: Thank you! 15:25:29 From Tom to Everyone: Thanks, Steve! 15:25:30 From Vishwa to Everyone: Thank you!
I met a cow once, boy ... was she holy !! Her behaviour towards me really tested her but ... that's another story! Great slides with lots of useful nuggets!