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Live Q&A - Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application

Adam Taylor - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 24:30

Live Q&A - Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application
Adam Taylor
Live Q&A with Adam Taylor for the talk titled Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application
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Score: 0 | 1 year ago | no reply

Thanks for the insight on the RPi Pico (and RP2040) applications, particularly the development and testing support functions as well as the FPGA JTAG adapter. With so much technology to investigate these days, I was unaware of the Pico's Programmable State Machines but I will certainly take a closer look at it's capabilities. I'm retired so you would think I would have all the time in the world to investigate, however it often ends up being a case of "too much cool stuff to check out with so little time to do so." I have been trying to clear my projects list to get into FPGA development and a number of related applications. I hope to go through your blogs and tutorials on the subject as they appear to have great content and details.

09:34:15	 From  Thomas Schaertel : Hi Adam, enjoyed your talk very much. What tools did you use for programming the Pico especially for programming the PIO?
09:36:08	 From  Thomas Schaertel : Reacted to "Hi Adam, enjoyed you..." with đź‘Ť
09:45:57	 From  Thomas Schaertel : I found the Pico quite useful, due to overclocking possibilities you can adapt to a multitude of possibilities (like the one you did with DVI). I use the Pico for encoder/decoder stuff of high speed signals as an add on to other projects. It’s a 1$ uC at the end! Depending on requirements, I use also the ESP32 platform. How long did it take for you to implement the DVI stuff?
09:46:12	 From  Dan Cogan : Couldn't find the hand raise - so I'll ask here...In terms of the students, how did you feel they picked up the idea of RPI at that age?  Software tends to be more common at that age, but not hardware/firmware.
09:55:10	 From  Thomas Schaertel : Thank you! Good luck with your student’s projects and CubeSat!