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The State of the RTOS
Jacob Beningo - Jean Labrosse - Kate Stewart - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 56:13

An awesome discussion between RTOS experts on where are RTOS is today and where it's going into the future.
An opportunity to ask your questions about RTOS application design.
12:18:22 From Michael Kirkhart : There is still a place for commercial RTOSes or paid support for open source RTOSes, as there are users who will still require dedicated support. 12:19:25 From Michael Kirkhart : Redhat is an example of a company that is viable business entity using open source software. 12:23:24 From Erwin : Also when seeing more and more complex features used by RTOSes there is much more need for support from a customer perspective. You cannot easily learn everything that fast as you need to ship your product. 12:26:31 From Michael Kirkhart : Microsoft tried that years ago with Windows CE. 12:29:55 From Michael Kirkhart : Agree with the comment about security as a spectrum - one has to understand what their application threat model is. 12:31:00 From Michael Kirkhart : When it comes to security, has there been any discussion in the RTOS/embedded community about secure coding practices? 12:31:13 From Eduardo Pino : Do you think security concerns will drive the development of formally verified kernels and components such as the se4L OS? 12:31:52 From Michael Kirkhart : What does "formally verified" mean? 12:32:22 From Eduardo Pino : Formal verification of software refers to the application of mathematical proof techniques to establish properties about programs. 12:36:08 From Eduardo Pino : oops i misspelled seL4 12:40:06 From Himanshu Savargaonkar : Will python based languages like MicroPython and CircuitPython become complete RTOSs? Or will they remain a hobby programming language? 12:50:39 From Kate Stewart : https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en 12:51:39 From Max Hughson : https://isocpp.github.io/CppCoreGuidelines/CppCoreGuidelines 12:52:10 From Kate Stewart : Contributions to https://github.com/coreinfrastructure/best-practices-badge welcome 12:55:49 From Cole Wyant : @Kate Stewart Don't want to derail the panel, but what would be the best/cost reasonable dev kit to start evaluating Zephyr? 12:55:49 From Erwin : You can get Python to use a JIT Compiler and then it's simmilar to Java which is running on your credit card! 12:59:33 From Kate Stewart : https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/develop/getting_started/index.html 13:02:43 From Gillian Minnehan : Wonderful panel. Thank you Jean, Kate, Jacob, and Bill! 13:02:50 From Alex : good 13:02:50 From Steve Wheeler : Good discussion. Thank you all. 13:02:56 From Eduardo Pino : great talk 13:02:57 From Raul Pando : Thank you 13:02:59 From Alex : nive weekend 13:02:59 From Jay Cosper : good discussion