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5 Benefits of Using FreeRTOS
Richard Barry - Amazon AWS - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 01:12:53

13:29:07 From Nathan O. : I've lost sound. Anyone else ? 13:29:18 From enrico perera : I have sound 13:29:24 From Gianpaolo Macario : Audio works for me 13:29:24 From Jon Lohr : I am still able to hear. 13:29:26 From Raul Pando : Working OK here 13:29:28 From Felipe Prado : sound is ok here 13:29:31 From Haroldo : I have sound as well 13:29:42 From Nathan O. : Thanks, I just refreshed, it's ok now. 13:29:48 From Alex : yes but already return 13:31:32 From Alexander Ziubin : Free RTOS helps developers to connect devices to cloud. Does it do good job when fast and deterministic response is a requirement for edge device firmware? 13:37:53 From Cristian Haba : Do you think portability can be increased if an RTOS would be available also in different languages (not only in C)? 13:41:29 From Leandro Pérez : My questions ---> 1) I am using AWS FreeRTOS that include the vendors drivers... I needed modify that drivers, specifically Microchip because they use old drivers into the AWS distribution :( (Harmony 2)... so.. When I get a new version is a nightmare... I get the new version and copy all my code in the new version... It generates many issues in my code for forget some the line X in the source X... Is a nightmare... What advice you can give me for migrate to a new version FreeRTOS without many problems? 2) What approach is better... Download the FreeRTOS from the AWS console with all libraries that I need OR Download FreeRTOS (https://www.freertos.org/) and add the libraries to hand? 3) What is the reason to use /* */ comments in the same in the AWS FreeRTOS code? Is difficult when I use a demo comment some part of the code for that reason 13:43:15 From Alexander Ziubin : Is here proprietary code (or code with different license) somewhere in FreeRTOS source code repository or in any component of "standard" package. 13:47:22 From Alexander Ziubin : Does freeRTOS certifications included static code analysis against bugs and security vulnerabilities?. 13:48:10 From Mohamed : Is FreeRTOS planning to provide core liberires for protocols like CoAP which can be more effecient in terms of energy consumption, maybe also LwM2M? 13:51:14 From asicsoc to Stephane(Direct Message) : Thanks so much, will watch the end later 13:51:18 From asicsoc to Stephane(Direct Message) : Thanks 13:52:37 From Alexander Ziubin : Do you see any competition pressure with other RTOS available on the market, does it "shape" (or maybe "shaped") freeRTOS roadmap? 13:55:59 From Erin RobotGrrl : Q: With all of this architecture and libraries, what is the impact to latency for user experience, especially with something as reactive as an IoT motor? Seem to recall anything more than 80 ms is noticeable as being slow / laggy to a human. 13:56:09 From Chris Z. : when is using a paid O/S like Micrium or VxWorks a better choice? 13:57:11 From Alexander Ziubin : What developers would miss if go with free version of FreeRTOS? Is it possible that the fleet of IoT devices will stop working because of incompatibility with AWS cloud software over time? 13:59:46 From Cristian Haba : In an SMP application the tasks will be allocated to cores statically, will they? 14:07:20 From Leandro Pérez : Is possible that you lost my questions ---> I send you again 1) I am using AWS FreeRTOS that include the vendors drivers... I needed modify that drivers, specifically Microchip because they use old drivers into the AWS distribution :( (Harmony 2)... so.. When I get a new version is a nightmare... I get the new version and copy all my code in the new version... It generates many issues in my code for forget some the line X in the source X... Is a nightmare... What advice you can give me for migrate to a new version FreeRTOS without many problems? 2) What approach is better... Download the FreeRTOS from the AWS console with all libraries that I need OR Download FreeRTOS (https://www.freertos.org/) and add the libraries to hand? 3) What is the reason to use /* */ comments in the same in the AWS FreeRTOS code? Is difficult when I use a demo comment some part of the code for that reason 14:09:02 From Cristian Haba : Is FreeRTOS DO-178 certified or intends to get this certification in the future? 14:10:04 From Erin RobotGrrl : Link to this book? ? 14:11:10 From Charles Miller : I'm not affiliated with Feabhas in any way, but Niall Cooling gave our company a wonderful week-long training on FreeRTOS. 14:11:17 From Tim Mattison : https://www.freertos.org/Documentation/RTOS_book.html 14:11:27 From Erin RobotGrrl : @Tim thank you! 14:23:24 From Tim Mattison : https://www.freertos.org/faq-EMP.html 14:23:35 From Tim Mattison : ^^^ FreeRTOS extended maintenance plan details page 14:26:33 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks Richard 14:27:05 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks Richard ?????? 14:27:12 From iainbarkley : Thanks! 14:28:03 From Jon Lohr : Very informative. Thank you. 14:28:34 From Leandro Pérez : For all...This is a Good starting point to use FreeRTOS on ESP32 14:28:34 From Leandro Pérez : https://www.digikey.com/en/maker/projects/what-is-a-realtime-operating-system-rtos/28d8087f53844decafa5000d89608016