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Learning from Disaster

Jack Ganssle - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 01:17:57

Learning from Disaster
Jack Ganssle
Civil engineers have learned how to avoid failure from their rich history of bridge collapses, tunnel floodings, and building disintegrations. The firmware world is quite different; it seems we all make the same mistakes, repeatedly. Yet most problems have similar root causes. In this class we’ll examine a number of embedded disasters, large and small, and extract lessons we must learn to improve our code. It’s a fun, wild ride though avoidable catastrophes!
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Kevin H
Score: 0 | 1 year ago | no reply

And the most recent spacecraft failure, the Japanese Lunar Lander, which crashed into a crater. The spacecraft had originally been targeted to land on a flat plain, but at the last minute someone decided it would be better to land inside a crater (how cool!). Unfortunately, the crater walls confused the sensors during landing, because the software had not been programmed to recognize them as normal (there are no walls on a flat plain).

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

Boeing 737 pilot explains what can be learnt/learned from flight disasters:
It shows me that details matter.

Score: -1 | 2 years ago | no reply

Great talk. +1 for asserts for detecting design bugs and contracts. I often wonder how requirements complexity affects reliability - we treat firmware as able to implement almost any functionality, but should it? Can we also write less buggy manual code, by using qualified code generators such as SCADE?

Score: 1 | 2 years ago | no reply

The recording has been posted.

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | 2 replies

Cannot access the Zoom call because maximum capacity has been reached. Well done!

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | 2 replies

Should be able to join now.
There was a setting on Zoom that wasn't properly set.
Sorry about that.

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | 1 reply

I had to punt after being shut out. How soon before the no longer live playback is available?

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | 1 reply

We'll try to process and upload the recording this afternoon.

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | 1 reply

Thank you!

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

Available now!

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply


Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

Same here. :(

Score: 0 | 2 years ago | no reply

Great talk! Will the slides be available for download?

14:13:31	 From  Clayton.Jones : What ever happened to the idea of software apprenticeship?
Back in late 90s/eraly 2000s there was a lot of talk in the industry that we should train SW Engineers (and embedded systems specifically) with Apprenticeship after completion of degree or formal training.
14:14:13	 From  Leandro Pérez : This is right Tom... In my case I was exposed many years to the software industry and I come back to Embedded systems… I can apply many concepts learnt that I don't learn in my electronic career
14:15:23	 From  liam.bucci : We've been discussing leading vs lagging metrics. Lagging metrics are easy, just measure how often you see failures in the field. However, finding out your safety critical system has a failure by trying it in the field is not viable. How do we “predict” failures in software in order to use these metrics to inform what process improvements are necessary?
14:16:42	 From  Cole Wyant : Are there any pushes in the industry to have an official (government) oversight organization for software engineering/embedded engineering? Most other disciplines of engineering have some sort of official industry wide oversight body.
14:16:46	 From  Tom : Whatever happened to professional Software Engineering certification? Even the IEEE Computer Society certification effort has fallen on hard times. When they introduced this initiative, I signed up right away. But, my certificate is just collecting dust at this point.
14:17:01	 From  Phil Kasiecki : We have to seek out software concepts and principles - I am also an EE and sought out software work in co-ops and also took the more advanced computer engineering courses as tech electives, including one on data structures and algorithms.
14:20:38	 From  John Jeffers : If you had to use a RTOS is Azure TreadX STM32 or FreeRTOS STM32 a more successful RTOS?
14:21:16	 From  Jean Labrosse : What about Agile methods?  Aren’t some of the requirements being decided as you go?
14:24:47	 From  Tom : Zephyr is a very interesting RTOS supported by numerous vendors
14:25:50	 From  Phil Kasiecki : Agreed, Tom - I'm intrigued by it and looking forward to making time to learn more about it (and possibly checking out the event the Linux Foundation is running in about a month and a half)
14:26:21	 From  Clayton.Jones : Back to my question about Apprenticeship.  I think it's the responsibility of experienced engineers to establish learning path for entry-level at each organization.  I try to do this myself and as recently as 3 years ago a brilliant entry-level Engr. joined our company that was woefully lacking in SW Engr principles such as effective Version Control and release processes.  They were amazed at how much they didn't learn in school.
14:26:22	 From  Charles Miller : My experience regarding education was different.  My BA CS 30 years ago did not include one EE course.  I've tried to learn all I could since then, and fortunately, the HW guys and gals have helped me along.  To what extent should HW education be a part of SW education?
14:26:52	 From  Keith J : The way most people use Agile = kick the can down the road
14:27:31	 From  naseh Alvi : When architecturing an embedded system how to design for  something like power consumption e.g. managing for sleep current. of say 1.5 mA @ 12 V . Can we only do it after building the hardware and writing the most of the SW?
14:27:52	 From  Gonzalo : Sometimes happens that engineers know good practices, but  cheaf officers are more worried on schedule and money than good practices, what do you think?
14:27:56	 From  Alex Ribero : Do we see an improvement on the firmware development processes over the years, compared with the 80's - 2000's? There are many more embedded systems being designed now, but maybe not that many failures...
14:28:45	 From  clamb : How do I find these managers that need that mix of HW & SW????
14:28:56	 From  Phil Kasiecki : Charles - I suspect your experience is not uncommon even today. My sense - and someone can correct me if it's off - is that most CS curricula don't get you into anything remotely HW-related such as computer architecture or microprocessor design. That can be okay if you develop software that is mostly/entirely hardware-agnostic, but for embedded systems it puts one at a deficit.
14:29:24	 From  Bob Lee : Steve McConnell's More Effective Agile is a good look at Agile development practices that work and have empirical evidence.
14:30:15	 From  Susan McCord : Jack, can you point us to this data?
14:30:31	 From  Susan McCord : the best practices proven to increase productivity
14:31:11	 From  Keith J : Thank you Jack.  Awesome talk!
14:31:18	 From  Alvaro Muro(Bilbao) : Thanks a lot!
14:31:26	 From  Jay Cosper : thanks for the talk!
14:31:33	 From  Phillip Kajubi : Thanks for the talk!
14:31:35	 From  Maxime L. : Very interesting! Thanks a lot!
14:31:40	 From  Susan McCord : thanks!
14:32:07	 From  iainbarkley : Sorry, I don't have a webcam where I work.
14:32:47	 From  Tim Michals : Maybe one issue to cover is maintenance in embedded software, I think it takes as much or more engineering to make sure it is correct.
14:32:56	 From  iainbarkley : Thanks a lot Jack!
14:33:16	 From  Praneet Kaur : thanks a lot jack, very interesting talk
14:33:25	 From  sleung : Thanks for the good insight!
14:33:31	 From  elazzaretti : thanks Jack, it's always a pleasure to watch your presentations!
14:33:47	 From  Eric Lundquist : Thanks!
14:33:51	 From  Javier Coronel (ITI) : Thanks for the talk!
14:33:52	 From  Gonzalo : Thanks a lot!
14:34:00	 From  schen : Thanks