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Live Q&A - Leveraging DevOps for Streamlined Firmware Delivery

Dylan Swartz - Golioth - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 35:29

Live Q&A - Leveraging DevOps for Streamlined Firmware Delivery
Dylan Swartz
Live Q&A with Dylan Swartz for the theatre talk titled Leveraging DevOps for Streamlined Firmware Delivery
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15:59:07	 From  Chris Gammell   to   Stephane(Direct Message) : can't seem to unmute myself?
15:59:35	 From  Chris Gammell : can't seem to unmute
16:10:31	 From  Mike Foss (NIWC PAC) : How do you handle it when you need something like DMA support for a UART, but the vendor hasn't included that in Zephyr? Is it better to figure out how to put it in yourself or nag the vendor?
16:12:12	 From  Mike Foss (NIWC PAC) : Thank you!
16:14:40	 From  Nathan O. : How does Zephyr works in terms of low power ? I have worked with FreeRTOS and its tickless mode before and am wondering if something similar is available in Zephyr
16:17:20	 From  Rishav Vatsa : Which power management strategy is more convenient for deep sleep/wake up? Handling it using AT command (software) or using hardware gpio pins?
16:17:32	 From  Jay : Is there a good documentation resource for device tree? From experience with LInux, I've found that the documentation is limited and I end up figuring out the device tree parameters by reading through Linux kernel module source code, for example.
16:20:49	 From  Nathan O. : What was the response on the LED / gpio output topic ?
16:20:53	 From  Jay : Thank you for the answer.
16:22:55	 From  Mike Szczys : I think this is the video I remember that helps with a log of insight into how Devicetree works in Zephyr and how to target your DT nodes from C code: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWaxQyIgEBY
16:24:22	 From  Mike Szczys : This might be a little daunting if you've never tried out Devicetree, but the docs have a lot of tricks and example: https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/build/dts/index.html
16:26:18	 From  Chris Gammell : we write about this stuff on our blog every week as well! https://blog.golioth.io
16:27:05	 From  Mike Szczys : On the GPIO vs. LED question. In my case, I only needed to set a GPIO pin level at boot time and I was directed to the gpio_hogs system which lets you do that without any C code at all. I is all handled via Devicetree
16:27:23	 From  Herman Roebbers : (How) do you combine CI/CD with energy consumption monitoring?
16:27:32	 From  Amy McNeil : How do you manage revision distribution for embedded devices that don't normally get regular updates in the field, under a CI/DC environment?
16:29:50	 From  Rishav Vatsa : How can we cascade CI/CD for OTA rollouts?
16:38:16	 From  RF : Enthusiastic mix, thanks
16:38:22	 From  Raul Pando : Thanks guys
16:38:23	 From  Jay : Thanks!
16:38:24	 From  arianafaustini : Thank you!