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MING - An OpenSource LAMP-like stack for the Internet of Things
Marc Pous - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 35:43

Time has moved on… Our team works predominantly within the Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (IoT) domain, but many of the challenges we face are parallels to those faced by the creators of the LAMP stack. This is why we think that the open source MING (MQtt, InfluxDB, Node-Red and Grafana) stack can enable the next generation of IoT Application developers.
With this masterclass we aim to take attendees through the journey we’ve been on as we’ve been developing Internet of Things solutions.
We talk through how Open Source solutions exist to fulfill these needs today, and how we arrived at the MING stack:
- (M)osquitto for MQTT based assured data-comms using a publication/subscriber model
- (I)nfluxDB for time-series data storage
- (N)ode-Red for intuitive wiring of “nodes” to ingest telemetry data, transform, and deliver internally or to 3rd Parties
- (G)rafana for data-visualisation and alerting
I learnt to program in Basic using DOS with my PC 386 in 1994... I remembered that I learnt using book... There wasn't Internet in those days ... In 1999 I started with the PIC microcontrollers and I learnt it using assembler directly from the Microchip manual in English (PIC16F84)