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Safety Critical System Design on ARM Cortex-M
Suraj Joseph - Watch Now - EOC 2024 - Duration: 43:35

Learn how to build resilient, safety-critical embedded systems, and discuss practical techniques to implement:
- Freedom from Interference (FFI) in mixed criticality systems
- Program Flow Monitoring
- Memory Partitioning and Task Isolation
- Fault Management
- Security
The talk will be structured as a case study of an automotive ECU used on a modern self-driving vehicle, utilizing FreeRTOS and an ARM Cortex CPU.
Great talk and Q&A! It ties in with Elicia’s well on hard fault handlers. There was a detailed talk on MPUs in a previous EOC by Jean Labrosse. I worked on an aerospace project once to DO178C Level A where they used qualified code generators from a model for the application (manual code for lower layers), which helped with the safety case.
Thanks for the recommendations! A qualified code generator can definitely be a viable strategy, and help ensure program correctness.
Great talk!