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Tips to Boost Your Productivity with Modern RTOSes
Benjamin Cabé - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 39:55

Developing embedded applications using modern real-time operating systems (RTOS) can be challenging, and going from a quick prototype to a production-ready application can be daunting.
In this talk, we will be going through concrete examples of embedded development best practices, and useful development tools that can not only save you time, but also help you build more robust applications. We will be using the Zephyr RTOS as an example, but the concepts and tools we will be discussing are applicable to any RTOS.Some of the topics we will be covering include:
- Simplifying testing through emulation software (ex. Wokwi, Renode, qemu, ...)
- Boosting you command line
- Setting up CI/CD for your embedded project
- Leveraging Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) to improve security and traceability
- Leveraging some cool Visual Studio Code extensions for embedded development
By the end of this talk, participants will have gained practical insights and knowledge to improve their productivity when developing embedded applications using an RTOS, and Zephyr in particular.
Thank you, Nathan!
Correct, the example-application only has an example of a GitHub Actions configuration file. I would love to also have a GitLab CI sample too. I am not familiar with it but looks like converting from one format to the other shouldn't be too difficult? I wonder if I could interest you in looking into it and contributing a pull request? :-)
Hi Benjamin, also great thanks from my side. You gave a lot of interesting hints on tools that are worth trying.
Hi Benjamin, great talk with lots of information which I wasn't aware of, especially the emulation/simulation part. I definitely will give it a try. I'll also revisit Zephyr which I tried years ago. Thanks a lot for all those insights!
Hi, Thanks for the tips. Some of the tools are new to me and I'll try them out as I am currently working on a Zephyr based system. Quick question: the example-application project seem to include CI/CD setup for Github actions. Do you know of any comparable setup to use with Gitlab CI ?