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Tour of Embedded Systems: What in the World is Going On?
Tim Guite - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 10:02

It is hard to define an embedded system and even harder to decide where the world of embedded systems ends and becomes electronics on one side, software on the other side and system design on the other other side. In this talk, I will present the current state of two complimentary pillars of embedded systems - chips and software – with possible tangents into areas such as PCB design, testing and simulation.
The traditional hierarchy of chips (IC → FPGA → MCU → SoC) nicely mirrors the traditional hierarchy of embedded software (Bare Metal → RTOS → OS). However, this is not the world we live in: AMD owns Xilinx, Amazon and Microsoft are handing out RTOS’s, ST is presenting AI solutions. MCUs and FPGAs in the same chip, containers for embedded, RISC-V picking up steam. Consolidation and disruption has produced new combinations of technologies which challenge us on how best to use them and connect everything together.
After watching this talk, you should walk away with a better understanding of:
- The major industry players in embedded systems
- How new chips fit into the traditional hierarchy
- What tools are available at different layers of the software stack
- Some acronyms and strange words :)
Hope to see you there!
Thanks, Amrith! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Great talk! I enjoy hearing about the industry writ large.
Cheers, Nathan :) There really is a lot going on isn't there!
Hi Tim,
Fantastic comprehensive snapshot of the industry. Looking forward to next year's :)
Thanks Raul! Yes, I'm sure there will be lots more changes to talk about by then!
Thank you for this short overview, Tim!
These are things one has not in focus all the time but are really worth to know!
Thanks Rokath! Yea I had a lot of fun trying to organise all the interesting topics I have heard about and put them in context. I had to leave a lot out as well! Hope you learned something new :)
This was a great talk, thank you! It brushed on a lot more topics than I expected. I like all the references that you have at the end of your slides too.
Thanks Mike, glad you enjoyed it! I hope the references are a good jumping off point for people to learn more about the topics I only really touched on 👍
Great and quick recap of everything happening!