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Live Q&A - Bluetooth mesh and Zigbee mesh networks on STM32WB MCUs
Colin Ramrattan - STMicroelectronics - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 21:17
Can I have the sample of STM32WB5MM-DK Discovery kit? Since the Board have digital microphone and lcd. I would like to apply TinyML application to this board to recognized the voice command then control other smart home zigbee devices. if possible please give me an email at johnnietien@gmail.com. Thanks
13:08:17 From Nathan O. : Are all radio stacks for the WB provided as binary ? 13:09:25 From Nathan O. : Does that mean they are all certified with corresponding SIG / Alliance ? 13:10:00 From Leandro Pérez : I don't work on Bluetooth or Zigbee Mesh on STM32... Where should I start? 13:11:54 From Nathan O. : Is the BlueNRG series being deprecated in favour of WB ? If not how should I choose between these and the WB ? 13:11:54 From Leandro Pérez : Interesting... Thanks very much 13:12:41 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks Colin 13:16:21 From Nathan O. : Is there support (or planned support) for LE Audio on the WB ? 13:16:24 From Rod Ramsay (US) : Can you drop a link or two in the chat to get us started please, thx. 13:18:44 From Colin R : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_wBH7mTQ2g&list=PLnMKNibPkDnG9JRe2fbOOpVpWY7E4WbJ- 13:18:46 From Alec BATH-G04 : https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32wb-series.html 13:18:52 From Colin R : that is the STM32WB Getting started series 13:19:15 From Alec BATH-G04 : https://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/stm32cubewb.html 13:22:09 From Leandro Pérez : Thanks :) 13:22:12 From Nathan O. : Thanks ! 13:22:18 From mark hopkins : thank you guys
Is there a conference discount for the dev boards?