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Live Q&A - ESP32 I/O Primer
Dr. Don Wilcher - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 19:47

Great talk! Very informative and interesting
Hi c4corvettelover,
Thanks so much for the comment. I am glad you found the talk informative and interesting.
17:38:50 From Gonzalo : I haven’t use chatGPT yet for coding, what are the most complex kind of things you have ask and getting a reasonable usable solution from it? 17:42:46 From Gonzalo : I imagine chatGPT as kind of an assistant as one we should know what are its capabilities and what extent we could trust from it. I will have to try it 17:48:15 From Gonzalo : Regarding WokWi i find it amazing as a simulation tool. Anyway, what is it the main usage or purspose?, for me not being able to grasp the hardware is taking the fun part out , but it’s just me 17:51:19 From Gonzalo : Thank you! 17:52:10 From Stephane : Thank you Don! 17:52:25 From Vishwa Perera : Thank you Don
Thank you for your talk! AI code generation is really interesting.
I would like have more in depth information on the ESP32 IO MUX and GPIO Matrix...