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Live Q&A - Introduction to Encryption for Embedded Linux Developers
Sergio Prado - Watch Now - EOC 2021 - Duration: 19:02

Live Q&A with Sergio Prado for the talk titled Introduction to Encryption for Embedded Linux Developers
Score: 1 | 4 years ago | 1 reply
Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply
Thanks Steve! I currently working on the blog posts and looking forward to publishing soon.
Score: 0 | 4 years ago | 1 reply
Nice overview and refresher on basics with hands on session. I have enjoyed. Will look forward for the "Hands-on: data in transit encryption" blog post.
Score: 0 | 4 years ago | no reply
Hi PrashantVP! I'm glad you enjoyed it!
14:46:53 From Erwin : You already mentioned it's just a short and simple introduction, I se that most of the time symetric and asymetric encryption is always compared according key size and resource usage. But what about long term security of data. Especially nowadays as brute force attacks are more and more relevant? 14:48:48 From Scott K : Cryto done right is constant time, so the overhead can be factored into the design. 14:51:22 From Erwin : There are at least AES implementations running on AVR32 Hardware, but like Michael mentions it depends on your realtime! 14:53:40 From Mark Z : All of the crypto algorithms are based on hard problems that are assumed that they cannot be solved in real-time and they depend on the size of the key. 14:53:57 From Sam : Does the tshirt contain something special in the :() erc. 14:54:05 From Gerhard : Fork bomb 14:56:16 From Sam : don't create your own encryption that has not been tested. 14:56:29 From Mark Z : What Sam said! 14:56:35 From Michael Kirkhart : LOL on the "we need secure boot but do not know what it means"! 14:56:42 From Gerhard : That’s the most important one! 14:56:44 From Mark Z : I took a course for a master's program and that was the 1st thing the professor said 14:58:10 From Sam : have you looked at open source code encryption to understand how it works? 14:58:31 From Gerhard : Like MD5 & SHA1 14:58:54 From Sam : like AES or older. MG5 is a hash. 14:59:08 From Erwin : And like many speakers mentionend use best practices and get experts! 14:59:16 From Michael Kirkhart : To better understand the use and difference between symmetric and asymmetric encryption, take a look at TLS 14:59:39 From Gerhard : Was about being broken. 15:00:27 From Raul Pando : Thanks a lot Sergio 15:00:29 From javi : Thanks Sergio 15:00:29 From Erwin : Thanks a lot! 15:00:31 From Gerhard : Thanks! 15:00:39 From Sam : thx
Absolutely fantastic summary and practical hands-on demos of tool usage, thank you Sergio! I too look forward for the "Hands-on: data in transit encryption" blog post!