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Live Q&A - Outsmarting IoT Defense: The Hacker's Perspective
Natali Tshuva - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 26:40

08:30:25 From Natali Tshuva : we can hear each other 08:31:21 From Tal Philos : Did you check the audio output in the setting menu? 08:31:35 From Jacob Beningo : Yes. My settings appear fine 08:34:01 From Michael Kirkhart : Link to exploit used on Cisco RV340 router: https://github.com/rdomanski/Exploits_and_Advisories/blob/master/advisories/Pwn2Own/Austin2021/flashback_connects/flashback_connects.md 08:35:14 From Stephane to Jacob Beningo(Direct Message) : There's a question on the website: Thank you for this very interesting talk. I think the approach presented is actually a turning point in making IoT more secure. Could you shed some light on how fingerprinting is technically achieved? Thank you 08:39:39 From Nathan O. : What is the smallest and biggest embedded system (what platforms) that your solution is currently deployed to (and what are its potential min requirements) ? 08:43:52 From BobF : To what extent do you have 2-way interaction with processor/controller design companies. Sometimes you approach them, other times they approach you? 08:44:26 From BobF : Design flaws! 08:44:52 From BobF : Silicon s/c design houses 08:47:38 From Nathan O. : What do partnerships with silicon vendors actually mean ? Is your solution included in some vendors SDK ? Are they provided example codes for using the system ? 08:51:46 From Al Anway : can this approach work at the site level to look for any malicious traffic, or must it be deployed at the device level, or both? 08:54:32 From Al Anway : thanks. 08:54:40 From Nathan O. : What is your business model ? Is there a per-device royalty ? Annual license ? both ? 08:55:15 From Stephane to Jacob Beningo(Direct Message) : There's one from Nathan 08:58:39 From Tal Philos : Hi all, I’m Tal from Sternum, just wanted to let you know that If you have any additional questions regarding Sternum please feel free to also email directly to me: Talp@sternumiot.com 09:00:00 From BobF : Many thanks, a dynamic domain !!
Thank you for this very interesting talk. I think the approach presented is actually a turning point in making IoT more secure. Could you shed some light on how fingerprinting is technically achieved? Thank you