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2020 Embedded Online Conference Teaser
Stephane Boucher - Jacob Beningo - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 00:43

Please do not hesitate to post a question or comment about the conference here, We want as many people as possible to test the system, so we can root out issues before Wednesday. You can also try to edit your post and submit it again, does it work for you? What about upvoting/downvoting a post, does it seem to register? Can you reply to your own post or someone else's? Can you find how to sort the posts? How to expand/collapse a thread? How about using some Markdown code to format your message? Have fun!
another bump
when will the conference start ?
Up we go.
No comment
Can’t wait!
Network keeps breaking
No comment.
Player error
The player is having trouble. We’ll have it back up and running as soon as possible.
Please check if this could be useful:
Not working... :(
Once I click on the "play" icon, it only shows a blank screen on Firefox.
Please check if this could be useful:
Hello, I'm trying here!
Every Working fine for me!
Video and Audio works fine today, noting that I tried it yesterday but it was not working
Video and audio good - all set!
(rating stars still monochrome though)
Amazing! Cant wait !!
Can't wait.
Amazing! Cant wait
- The video looks great in Google Chrome.
- The star-system needs some improvements: no color change. The are now in a bullet list (so bullet + star). After clicking I can't see how I rated the video (no visual indication at all). But then again: better good video and poor stars then the other way around.
surround text with asterisks
surround text with two asterisks
hyperlink or just a bare URL
surround text with backticks
surround text with two tilde characters
prefix with >
Testing a reply to you DanH. Nice markdown example!
Testing reply
Works fine in Firefox, W7 and iPad, but breaks in Opera W7 (yes I know, but I like it) and Safari on the iPad
A little quick, but a good test. Video quality and sound are good. Can't wait for tomorrow to get here!
the video played immediately with full sound and no glitches, just as perfectly as the website. But reading through the earlier comments I see there were some problems. I am so looking forward to this. Just after I signed up, I realized I would be on a plane to Spain, but now that's been cancelled I can watch the show after all!
The nice thing about it too is that if you are tied up and can't attend on the two days the conference stays open so that we can go back and watch the recordings at our own pace.
Oh so that's what the back arrow does > Submit a reply! And X deletes the post after confirmation, pen allows editing of the post and ^V enable up- or down-voting. And + expands (--- collapses) any replies. Sorted
This is going to be awesome
Everything is fine
All good here, thanks!
Seems perfectly acceptable to eat bananas to and learn, Thanks!
Testing the comment section
No technical issues with the intro video (it played properly with sound).
Hi there -- Max here -- I'm giving the talk on "What the FAQ is an FPGA?" (https://www.embeddedonlineconference.com/session/What_the_FAQ_is_an_FPGA)
I am squirming in my seat looking forward to this conference in antici...
Hi Max! Testing out replies.
Just editing the comment to test it out.
Test reply to reply
Mee too!
If you´re the Magnificent, I am Julio Caesar, the emperor of FPGAs! I won't be watching your talk, but sure enjoyed the tittle :). Go for it!
I am waiting for this session.
Please downvote this comment. Thanks!
Working fine !
Looked good to me.
Lots of lags, pauses and rebuffering the first time through (Tuesday ~11am PDT, 3 users currently watching). No problems the second time though (just hit play again).
Appears to be working, at least for me.
Seems to be working!
Mission successful, captain!
Added a comment to test refresh/update
Here you go
Ok! I heard a notification sound, and the "Up-to-date" button changed to refresh. Makes sense.
The fact that you didn't notice it makes me think that this isn't very intuitive. People will get used to it but I need to make sure to mention it in the newsletter...
If you have welcome notes or an introduction, you could just include a comment there. Once people know about it, that's fine. If you scroll down first without noticing first, then it's less intuitive.
All worked great.
Except when posted it says Score: 0 whereas I gave the video 4 stars!
Can't wait for the conference to start
Now it works fine. On the morning server was down.
I want to rewatch please