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Battery-less IoT devices - An Introduction to Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems

Mustafa Shamsi - Watch Now - EOC 2023 - Duration: 09:54

Battery-less IoT devices - An Introduction to Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems
Mustafa Shamsi
With the recent explosion of IoT devices, the number of embedded computing devices deployed in the field have increased exponentially. Majority of these embedded devices are battery powered and considering the current battery lifespan, it would cost thousands of dollars in replacement, time and effort for maintaining these devices. This poses a major challenge in scaling IoT solutions of the future and calls for a solution that is scalable for sustainable growth. In this lightning talk, I would like to introduce the concept of energy harvesting which enables devices to be powered from ambient sources of energy. This capability helps develop battery-less computing devices reducing the potential maintenance cost of IoT deployments. This talk would focus on introducing the concept of energy harvesting , the major challenges in developing energy harvesting embedded devices and it's impact on IoT devices.
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Score: 0 | 1 year ago | 1 reply

Thanks Mustafa! Definitely seems like there will be demand for complete solutions which can be integrated into designs easily as there is a lot of complexity involved!

Score: 0 | 1 year ago | no reply

Thanks for the comment Tim :)
Yes, there is definitely a lot of complexity involved in developing systems like these. I hope you
found the session informative.