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Building a Global IoT Ecosystem of 120K IoT Developers
Wienke Giezeman - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 22:13

Very interesting! Especially to compare vs. a cellular comms infrastructure. I also find the idea of a whole floating network on a ship interesting.
It is! Have a look at the Wilhelmsen show case: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUairqoE2jA
Clear. Fun to see live at the botom left side
Thanks! Just a green blanket, OBS and a Sony VZ-1.
You said "Low Power". How does it compare in power consumption with RF or Bluetooth?
As anything in hardware design, the answer is: "It depends". So best resource to get a good idea is here: https://www.qoitech.com/blog/know-your-iot-device-know-your-battery/
Thank you for the informative presentation!