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Everyday Usage of UML State Charts for Your Embedded Application - Minimization of Code
Ismet Faik Saglar - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 01:13:03
This presentation will show you how UML State Charts are used to design the behavior of the main functionality without coding.
Next, you will learn the best practices for design re-use.
After that, simulation and automatic testing of the designed UML state charts will be shown.
And finally, you will learn several alternatives to integrate the designed UML state charts with the embedded source code.
In the session, C language and generic ARM Cortex-M CPU board will be used for demonstration. IAR Visual State Software will be used as a design, simulation, automatic testing and code generation tool.
Good job, Ismet! Very nice presentation. Thanks for sharing your experience with us!
Can you give me your opinion about using the UML approach to architect and design the system that will run on Embedded Linux, for example?
Is the UML-based approach in architecting and implementing the system competitive nowadays with some modern approaches? Can we generate C++ code out of UML diagrams?
Thanks in advance.
Dear Bojankoce,
Thanks for your question.
You can surely use full UML approach to architect and design any Embedded Linux system. You can design all aspects of the system with various structural (e.g. Class, Component Diagrams...), and behavioral (e.g. State Charts, Activity, Sequence, Use Case) diagrams of the UML.
UML diagrams enables you to design all types of runnables such as device drivers, processes, threads developed in C/C++/Java... Decent tools can generate skeleton code for your classes from Class Diagrams along with their behavioral code from the designed State Charts.
Design concepts and processes used with UML are fundamental, thus they can be used along with modern approaches. UML enhances your thinking on the problem resulting in better understanding of the problem.
Best Regards
Very nice presentation on UML State Charts and how they can effectively be used for code generation. The Demo was very good, showing how a combination of variable manipulation and external inputs can be used to verify the operation of the code on the target system after you are satisfied that the chart simulates correctly. Thanks again for the time and effort you put into this presentation.
Dear Dave K, Thank you very much for your compliments. Due to the subject being so large and deep and I wanted to cover end-to-end, the session was a little bit longer than expected. May be next time, I may give a workshop which would be interactive and hands-on...
Thank you, excellent information! I like how the tools enforce rigor and discipline. I've implemented many state machines over the years, all by hand (diagrams and code), never the same way twice. This offers the ability to apply a uniform methodology.