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Implementing a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system for Robotics/Unmanned Vehicles
Mike Anderson - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 45:07

As robotics and unmanned vehicles like drones start to proliferate, many developers find that they need a means of fixing the device to a specific location and then have the device navigate to a destination while avoiding obstacles. In addition, we frequently want the device to create a map of the surrounding area for future reference. In order to most efficiently accomplish these goals, we need to create a SLAM for the device. In this session, we will discuss the various approaches and requirements for 3D SLAMs and how they are constructed. We will address implementations ranging from autonomous cars down to robots based on platforms such as the Raspberry Pi.
Thank you!
I enjoyed your presentation very much. Will you be presenting at the online version of the Embedded Linux Conference this year?
I'm hoping to. I'm thinking that this year's presentation will be on GDB debugging ins and outs. there have been a lot of enhancements to GDB recently. SO, they've asked if I can present that one.
Good afternoon, everyone!
Hello Mike! Looking forward to the talk!
Thanks for the chance to get this out there Jacob.
OK, it just took a bit for the reply to show up. We're all good.
Hi Mike! Thanks for being part of the Embedded Online Conference. Do you remember being the star of this video? You were so good - just one take! At about 1:12.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKdvKplxoSI
This presentation was done in one take as well. A few stumbles, but overall not too bad.
Hi Mike! Excited to watch your talk. It's not an embedded conference without you :)
Thanks, Drew!
Really interesting, I especially appreciate the new terminology.