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IoT Development in the Cloud
Chris Shore - Arm - Watch Now - EOC 2021 - Duration: 28:01

The IoT is evolving rapidly and software development is being forced to evolve to match new demands. Increasingly, developers are under pressure to release earlier and update more often. Historically, early development has been tied to availability of hardware platforms on which to develop, test and prove new software. With the speed of change we are seeing these days, this is increasingly becoming a barrier.
At DevSummit recently, Arm announced Arm Virtual Hardware. This uses Arm Fast Models technology to enable cloud-based IoT development. Removing the requirement for hardware enables earlier start to the software development process, reduces cost and time-to-market. We’ll discuss in detail this technology and how we expect it to transform and accelerate software development and deployment.
We’ll also look to the future and imagine what the ecosystem in the cloud might look like.Thanks a lot for this interesting talk. Getting hands on virtual hardware before the real hardware is available might be a big improvement.
I love the idea of being able to do tests against the virtual hardware upfront having everything ready when the real hardware is there.
I'm not so sure about the ML part, but I do like that embedded tools are getting better and better these days.
I'll be checking out the link to more information for sure.
Really cool! I only hope other MCU manufacturers pick this idea soon. Definitely something worth investigating in more detail!
This is fantastic news and really changes the landscape. It's like embedded is coming of age.
This is a very interesting topic. Thank you for explaining how the whole development processes are affected and how virtual hardware in the cloud can be leveraged.