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Factory Automation: NXP Solutions Bringing AI & ML to Embedded Applications
Nicolas Lehment - NXP - Watch Now - EOC 2022 - Duration: 44:50

As AI methods gain maturity, we see interpretation and decision making migrate from industrial PCs or datacenters into embedded devices. This change puts new demands on both the embedded processors and the tooling used to design and implement these systems.
In this session we examine why industrial applications benefit from embedded AI and how NXP devices support the shift of intelligence to the edge.
Hi Micheal, interesting thought. We see some early moves in this direction with drone racing teams (see for example the NXP Hovergames). It will be exciting to see when people start making moves towards the racetrack!
The combination of AI/ML and motor control might find an ultimate challenge in an fully AI F1 racing (maybe E-series). How would this advance both fields? When can we see it?