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Bringing Low Power, High Performance Audio and Voice to Market on the i.MX RT600 Crossover MCU

Brendon Slade - Mike Vartanian - NXP - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 25:24

Join this session to learn how DSP Concept's Audioweaver tools and libraries can unleash the performance of NXP's new i.MX RT600 MCU, allowing audio designers to quickly implement designs from the algorithm level.
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Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

Hello Mike and Brendon; thank you for the replies to my questions. I will be in touch!

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

What are the considerations for the number and arrangement of microphones for a given application?

Mike VartanianSpeaker
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

There are many considerations when thinking about the number and arrangement of microphones...
1.) Degree of Operation - Does the system need full 360 degree operation or is 180 degrees sufficient?
2.) Microphone Placement - On top of the product, microphones visible to user, properly ported, spaced properly.
3.) Microphone Geometry - Line arrays are last choice an only if necessary. Microphone arrays work best if the microphones are displaced in the horizontal plane.
I would be glad to discuss further specifics.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Is MATLAB (and toolboxes) required to run the Audio Weaver Designer tool?

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Bryce - MATLAB is not required to use Audio Weaver, but you can use these tools together.

Mike VartanianSpeaker
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

As the current version of Audio Weaver Designer was built using MATLAB, the PRO version will enable you to automate and run scripts in Matlab using APIs.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

Thank you very much for the valuable presentation.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Thanks for this nice presentation.
Is there a specific reason why the audio goes through the M33?
Is it to allow the M33 to do simple audio processing at a low-power, and
use the Hifi4 core only when needed, or any similar scheme?
(Wake word handling for example)

Mike VartanianSpeaker
Score: 1 | 5 years ago | no reply

Hi hMonsarrat,
Thank you for watching the presentation and your question. The solution is flexible and can have audio running only on the HiFi 4, M33, or distributed depending on the use case. You are correct that the more simple audio processing could be done on the M33. We have done designs with the loudspeaker processing on the M33. WWE could be done on either the M33 or HiFi4 also depending on the use case.