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Practical Approach for High-End Embedded System Design

Khalil Rashid - Watch Now - EOC 2020 - Duration: 01:07:25

Embedded system design is very challenging as it requires multi-disciplinary expertise in Hardware, Firmware and Software. Most of embedded systems developments ends up as a failed project or not delivering performance as planned initially.  

This can be address by proper planning and selection of suitable hardware and software components. Also design goals and parameters to consider a very important to be evaluated before starting project like:

  • Hardware Complexity
  • Software Complexity
  • Time to Market
  • Development Cost
  • Certifications
  • Functional Safety and Security
  • Feasible Solution

In this seminar, we will learn how to plan a complex Embedded System from hardware, firmware and software point of view. Furthermore, we will see how actually each part will be developed by utilizing Standard off the shelf components available. This makes design simple, cost effective, feature rich and most feasible for particular market. 

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Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Thank you, nice presentation!

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

You are Welcome!

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Hi, nice presentation!

I feel that Xilinx drivers are not top-notch for high-performance real-time because they are made either blocking or interrupting the processor a lot. Still requires significant time to bring up boards reliably.

Is openAMP reliable for interprocessor communications and are there some limits in bandwidth or real-time performance? (zynqmp user here)

Score: 1 | 5 years ago | no reply

first point logical, i understand what you mean.
OpenAMP is standard and adopted by Xilinx to give an easy way for inter-processor communication. buffer sizes are limited to 512 bytes, thats what put some performance limit. but the features we will get from using this is out of the box IPI handling and non blocking way of communication based on events from remote processor.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 3 replies

I have a couple of questions going into details about creation of the boot image (slide nr 26):

  1. What is "--atf image/linux/bl31.elf"?
  2. I understand that "--pmufm images/linux/pmufw.elf" is an application for the Platform Management Unit and this application is provided by Xilinx, is that correct? Are there any reasons to modify this, or this application works "out of the box"?
  3. I understand that "--fpga hardware/(...)/xilinx-zcu102-zu9(...)2018.3.bit" is a configuration for FPGA, but this one is a demonstration configuration from Xilinx and our will be application specific, is that correct?
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply
  1. Only in case you have some logic on PL side then it will be needed and application spacific.
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply
  1. Pmufw is fine by deafault. In case you are implementation isolation configuration to partition hardware components within mpsoc the you need to adopt it... but its very advanced use case.
Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

1 . ATF is ARM trusted firmware. Its there to add a security layer at hardware level by using ARM TrustZone Technology.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Thank you very much. Very interesting!

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

You are welcome... thanks for stopping by...

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

I am assuming you will need the Xilinx SDSoc environment , regardless of Zybo Z7 or the board you used in this tutorial. This will require a 1 year license that comes with the ZCU 102 board or will need to be purchased with the Zybo 7 fm Digilent. Nice presentation! Enjoyed it.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

yes SDSoC is from Xilinx for SoCs overall development. no License is needed for XSDK and Petalinux. but SDSoC will have included Vivado for SoCs.. which is needed. There is BSP available for Zybo Z7 borad. I am happy that you liked my Presentation.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

I see that Digilent has an SDSoc Voucher purchase option for Zybo Z7, but its not clear how that is bundled. Anyway, I am going to assume that you will need SDSoc. I will need to double check with Digilent and to confirm Petalinux support on Z7. (THis detail is all needed by user when developing a project). Thank you again......

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

You will for sure get license for few Euros Extra. i would recommend that bundle.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Something cheap like a Zybo Z7 board

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

yes the same System can be implemented for Zybo Z7 Board. all components i have used in this Track are available for Zybo Z7 board also.
like BSP from Xilinx Website
Example OpenAMP for ARM A9 Core
FPGA side is same for both

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

Hello Every one.
welcome to my Track, if you have any questions, related to following topics, i am available for next 2 hours.

  1. Zynq and zynqMP architecture
  2. Embedded Linux in General
  3. AMP system planning and implementation
  4. OpenAMP communications
  5. Interfacing between ARM cores and FPGA

Please dont hesitate to post your question. based on questions i will share more data. good luck.

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | 1 reply

Can you provide an example using a cheaper board?

Score: 0 | 5 years ago | no reply

Yes this implementation is possible using Zybo board which which is based on Zynq710 Device. having dual core A9 processor.
One core can Run Linux System and other BM application and inter-processor communication using same OpenAMP.
Zybo Board Cost these days from Digilent: 159$ almost.