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Building an Agile Development Team with a Framework you can use Anywhere
Harrison Donahue - The Qt Company - Watch Now - EOC 2021 - Duration: 30:39

Your development project needs predictable delivery timelines, cost and scheduling that allows to changing scopes - even during a pandemic. Join Harrison Donahue, Business Development Manager at The Qt Company to hear about how to address problems with efficient development when developers need to "change gears" when working on multiple projects of differing scope, or taking over for someone else. You will also find out about the advantages of leveraging a framework where the tooling and APIs are the same across MCU, MPU, Desktop and Mobile.
I thought your analysis of the challenges that an Agile approach helps to solve was really interesting. I look forward to trying Qt on MCUs at some point.
@meenal_b Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the talk!
Hi Harrison... I never work with QT... In the slides you showed C++ Language... I can't integrate it in C language into AWS FreeRTOS? Thanks
Hi @leandropg! Thanks for the question. Qt for MCUs supports FreeRTOS. Given so much work on MCU platforms is classically done in C, I see customers all the time that are using both. The build process involves leveraging the vendor toolchain (i.e. some flavor armgcc) or a premium build tool like IAR. Depending on how you're looking to integrate with C, it should be OK! If you want to give it a try through an evaulation, reach out to me! harrison.donahue@qt.io
Great to hear about the capabilities of Qt for MCUs and understand the differences between it and the upstream version.