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High Security RTOS
Ralph Moore
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MySQL as an Embedded Database
Nicolas De Rico
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Showcasing the Latest Embedded Solutions as Shown at CES 2024
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Zephyr Tools To Debug Hardware
Chris Gammell
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Using Open-Source Build Tools in a Professional Environment
Christopher Seidl
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A Simple Embedded System in X Flavours
Tim Guite
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How to Leverage Dev Containers for Quick and Easy Zephyr OS Development Setup
Stefano Fiorentino
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Beat the Supply Chain by Making your Own Chips!
Matt Venn
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emlearn - Machine Learning for Tiny Embedded Systems
Jon Nordby
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What's new in Bluetooth 5.4?
Abhijeet Srivastava
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Debugging with OpenOCD
Aditya Om
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Practical SBOM Management with Zephyr and SPDX
Benjamin Cabé
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Breaking Good: Why Virtual Hardware Prefers Rough Handling
Uri Shaked
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GDB Deep Dive
Gillian Minnehan
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Showcasing the Latest Embedded Solutions as Shown at CES 2024
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GDB Deep Dive
Gillian Minnehan
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High Security RTOS
Ralph Moore
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Practical SBOM Management with Zephyr and SPDX
Benjamin Cabé
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Zephyr Tools To Debug Hardware
Chris Gammell
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Using Open-Source Build Tools in a Professional Environment
Christopher Seidl
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Beat the Supply Chain by Making your Own Chips!
Matt Venn
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Breaking Good: Why Virtual Hardware Prefers Rough Handling
Uri Shaked
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Live Q&A - Easy Embedded Security Integration with STSAFE and STM32CubeMX
John Tran
2024-04-29 13:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Bluetooth LE Audio Revolutionizes Wireless Audio
Colin Ramrattan
2024-04-29 13:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Dive Deeper into NXP's MCUXpresso Ecosystem for VS Code and Application Development
Kyle Dando
2024-04-29 14:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Scaling Agile Development in Large-Scale Embedded Projects
Luca Ingianni
2024-04-30 08:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - MISRA C: A Focus on Writing Clear, Maintainable Code
Colin Walls
2024-04-30 09:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - The Ports-and-Adapters Architecture for Embedded HMIs
Burkhard Stubert
2024-04-30 09:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Strategies for Developing Scalable Embedded Software for Microcontrolllers
Timothy Adu
2024-04-30 14:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - How to Win at 62304
Alan Cohen
2024-04-30 15:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Hardening Linux for Embedded Systems
Aljoscha Lautenbach
2024-05-01 09:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Build your Own Embedded Middleware
Andreas Jarosch
2024-05-01 09:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Rust for Embedded Developers: The Peripheral Access Crate
Jacob Beningo
2024-05-01 14:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Hands-on With CUDA-C on a Nvidia Jetson Nano GPU
Mohammed Billoo
2024-05-01 14:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Power Management on Linux: From the Hardware to the Kernel and User Space Interfaces
Sergio Prado
2024-05-01 15:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Modern C++ in Embedded Development: Expressive Compile-Time Computation
Amar Mahmutbegovic
2024-05-01 15:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Beyond Coding: Toward Software Development Expertise
Marian Petre
2024-05-02 08:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Safety Critical System Design on ARM Cortex-M
Suraj Joseph
2024-05-02 09:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Example of BDD Style TDD For Embedded System Software
Steve Branam
2024-05-02 14:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - SOLID Design for Embedded C
James Grenning
2024-05-02 14:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - The Power of a Look-up Table
Nathan Jones
2024-05-02 15:00 EDT
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Live Q&A - Aggregating Data and Sensor Programming With The Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense Board
Dr. Don Wilcher
2024-05-02 15:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Rust and C++ Inter-operability
Tobias Hunger
2024-05-03 08:30 EDT
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Live Q&A - Introduction to the Data Model Architecture for Embedded Systems
John Taylor
2024-05-03 09:30 EDT