Sessions Stats

Session Title Views Rating
Best Practices for Developing Real-time Embedded Systems 1352 4.57 (106)
Test-Driven Development for Embedded Software 1174 4.67 (97)
Modern Embedded Software Goes Beyond the RTOS 998 4.88 (108)
Hardware Hacking: Hands-On 961 4.86 (90)
Essential Skills for Embedded Systems Engineers to Have (Theatre Talk) 958 4.72 (43)
Operating Systems for Embedded Applications 888 4.72 (72)
Common cryptography mistakes for software engineers 879 4.48 (61)
Get Started with TinyML 854 4.70 (66)
What the FAQ is an FPGA 831 4.80 (109)
How to Accelerate your Career in Embedded Systems (Theatre Talk) 818 4.22 (45)
Defending against Hackers: Exploit Mitigations and Attacks on Arm Cortex-A Devices 796 4.60 (60)
Really Real Time 791 4.85 (54)
Developing Reusable Firmware for MCUs (Theatre Talk) 744 4.57 (68)
Mars Perseverance Software 703 4.64 (44)
Container-ize Your Build Environment: Advantages of Docker For Firmware Development (Theatre Talk) 679 4.52 (52)
The Microprocessor at 50 648 4.36 (44)
Tips and Tricks for Avoiding and Fixing Real-Time Issues 638 4.31 (49)
Test-Driven Development 629 4.37 (27)
Flexible and Layered Embedded Firmware through Test Driven Development (TDD) 621 4.15 (46)
Express Your Software Ideas Graphically (Theatre Talk) 614 4.31 (83)
Practical Approach for High-End Embedded System Design 604 4.08 (36)
How Agile is Changing the Face of Embedded Software Development 601 4.66 (65)
Self-testing in Embedded Systems 598 4.31 (36)
Linux Kernel Security - Inside the Linux Security Modules (LSMs) 595 3.95 (19)
Getting Linux To Run On Your Custom Board 593 4.39 (54)
How to get started with Arm Cortex-M55 software development 590 4.54 (26)
Timing Synchronization in Software Defined Radios (SDR) 589 4.28 (36)
The Past, Present, and Future of Embedded Machine Learning 589 4.55 (47)
ChatGPT for Embedded Systems - A game changer or Pure hype? (Theatre Talk) 588 4.55 (87)
Buried Treasure and Map Files 585 4.62 (56)
Getting Started with Zephyr RTOS 578 4.27 (15)
Best Practices for RTOS Application Design 575 4.57 (28)
Learning from Disaster 572 4.79 (73)
5 Benefits of Using FreeRTOS 565 4.41 (39)
Securing the IoT from Chip to Cloud:An Application Guide to Applying Platform Security Architecture (PSA) Principles 556 4.72 (29)
The 1-Hour Security Bootcamp 552 4.64 (33)
RTOS Design and Debugging Techniques Hands-on 532 4.30 (23)
Modern Embedded Programming with Hierarchical State Machines and Active Objects 532 4.66 (32)
Bridging the Gap of UI Design & Development 530 4.29 (28)
Why MISRA Matters! 516 4.20 (41)
Developing embedded real-time applications with heterogeneous multiprocessing systems 502 4.50 (36)
Not Your Grandmother's Embedded Systems 502 4.00 (29)
Distributed PubSub for Microcontrollers (Theatre Talk) 501 4.59 (22)
How to Rapidly Develop IoT devices with Arm and AWS 489 4.41 (34)
Mastering Embedded Systems: Essential Skills and Trends for 2023 (Theatre Talk) 482 4.51 (87)
Modern C++ in Embedded Development (Theatre Talk) 479 4.59 (61)
How to Design a Hardware Product from Idea to Market (Theatre Talk) 469 4.00 (16)
Developing Low Cost Embedded Products as a Small Team (Theatre Talk) 466 3.89 (19)
IoT Hacks: Behind the Scenes 463 4.32 (28)
Power Management in Embedded Systems (Theatre Talk) 458 4.54 (71)
Low-Power Algorithmic Approaches in DSP Implementations 457 4.57 (46)
Successful Embedded Software Design 450 4.59 (69)
Causal Bootstrapping 449 4.35 (17)
A decade of Modern C++; from 11 to 20 449 4.52 (29)
Learning how to Deliver AI Solutions In Days, Not Months 447 4.38 (13)
Painless Multithreading: How to Verify RTOS Best Practices in Runtime 444 4.46 (26)
Beyond Arduino: Now what? (Theatre Talk) 436 4.56 (27)
PYNQ: Using FPGA to Accelerate Python applications 434 4.33 (33)
C - The Language of Embedded 434 4.30 (70)
The Best Defense is Offensive Programming 430 4.64 (36)
CMake and the Dark Arts 430 4.55 (74)
Back to the Future with Embedded Software (and Predictable Timing) (Theatre Talk) 422 4.48 (23)
How to Get the Bugs Out of your Embedded Product 417 4.79 (29)
Tips and Tricks for Designing Real-time IoT Systems 411 4.50 (6)
Building a Simple Command-Line Interface (Theatre Talk) 409 4.61 (70)
Open Source Hardware 404 4.30 (20)
Creating Advanced User Interfaces with STM32 Microcontrollers 403 4.88 (16)
Iterative Development: XP, Test-Driven Development and Refactoring (Theatre Talk) 400 4.77 (81)
Android Automotive 399 4.56 (18)
Using a Command Line Interpreter for developing and manufacturing embedded systems (Theatre Talk) 397 3.75 (52)
Getting Started with Azure RTOS Using STM32 MCUs 394 4.69 (16)
Debugging IoT Connectivity from Arm Virtual Hardware 392 4.33 (24)
Embedded Software Programming Rules, Tips and Tricks 386 4.62 (73)
The $5 Wrench: Realistic Embedded Security Threats 380 4.29 (31)
How To Build Your Network And Develop A Personal Brand That Will Land You Job Offers (Theatre Talk) 373 4.19 (21)
Zephyr: A Vendor Neutral Secure RTOS Option 361 4.37 (19)
Getting Started with FPGA-based Hardware Design (Theatre Talk) 361 4.76 (54)
Pre-Conference Orientation with Jacob and Stephane 359 4.43 (14)
Yocto Project Hands-On with Toradex 358 4.82 (28)
Understanding RTOSs in 45 minutes 353 4.74 (57)
Introducing Modern Embedded Development Flows 343 3.87 (53)
Flight Software Design for Lunar Exploration: A Case Study 341 4.71 (42)
Adventures in Debugging 340 4.66 (59)
Testing of Event-Driven Embedded Software with Python 339 4.48 (42)
Why Should I Care About CI/CD? 338 4.27 (22)
Fixed-Point Made Easy: A Guide for Newcomers and Seasoned Engineers (Theatre Talk) 334 4.68 (47)
Implementing a Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) system for Robotics/Unmanned Vehicles 330 4.65 (23)
Integrating NFC into your application: What you need to know 330 4.00 (16)
The Quest for Simplicity (Theatre Talk) 330 4.19 (47)
Selecting the Right Microcontroller for your Embedded Application 329 4.70 (20)
Embedded Design During Chip Shortages (Theatre Talk) 328 4.33 (49)
MCU Driver Design Techniques 321 4.74 (31)
Troubleshooting Embedded Applications with Runtime Visualizations (Theatre Talk) 320 4.48 (31)
How to ShiftLeft in Embedded (Theatre Talk) 318 4.25 (61)
Demystifying Memory Protection Units (MPUs) 314 4.52 (27)
Timing, Scheduling, Latencies - Model Based Approach to Design, Optimization, Analysis and Test (Theatre Talk) 314 3.85 (40)
GDB Deep Dive (Theatre Talk) 311 4.67 (51)
Introduction to RISC-V for Embedded Developers (Theatre Talk) 310 3.81 (32)
Object Classification Techniques using the OpenMV Cam H7 309 4.56 (18)
Five considerations when building secure IoT devices 307 3.85 (13)
Learning Rust For Embedded Systems 306 4.39 (31)
Test-Driven Development 304 4.74 (23)
Tools for Embedded Systems Development (Theatre Talk) 299 4.75 (28)
Essential Device and Firmware Metrics 299 4.71 (48)
Isolating MCU hardware and firmware using TrustZone security technology 294 3.58 (12)
Demystifying Embedded: Techniques for Low-level Testing and Debugging 294 4.75 (63)
Live Hack: Demonstrating Common IoT Security Weaknesses 292 4.81 (59)
Deliver rich graphical UX without blowing your hardware costs 290 3.92 (13)
Voice-enabled IoT devices, everywhere 286 4.00 (12)
Using Visual Trace Diagnostics to Evaluate Linux User space and Kernel space Implementations (Theatre Talk) 285 4.00 (8)
How to do Embedded Development in an Agile Way (Theatre Talk) 284 4.28 (39)
OOP in C 283 4.83 (40)
Rust for C Programmers 282 4.14 (21)
Everyday Usage of UML State Charts for Your Embedded Application - Minimization of Code (Theatre Talk) 279 3.75 (24)
Security made easy on STM32H5: STM32Trust TEE Secure Manager 275 4.75 (51)
Containerize All The Things. For Embedded? Really? (Theatre Talk) 274 3.97 (38)
Dive Deeper into NXP's MCUXpresso Ecosystem for VS Code and Application Development (Theatre Talk) 274 4.55 (60)
Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) with FreeRTOS and Raspberry Pi Pico (Theatre Talk) 273 4.17 (40)
Developing for the IoT Using Secure-enabled NXP MCUs with TrustZone®-M Technology 272 3.40 (10)
Building an Agile Development Team with a Framework you can use Anywhere (Theatre Talk) 271 3.77 (13)
Agile Embedded Software Design With Virtual Hardware 270 4.50 (20)
Zynq ® Ultrascale+™ delivers Deterministic Processing for Mixed Criticality Applications in Industrial, Automotive, and Aviation Markets 268 4.00 (13)
The 2022 Embedded Online Conference Promo Video 267 4.69 (89)
Introduction to Encryption for Embedded Linux Developers 262 4.48 (21)
Secure Device Management for the Internet of Things 259 4.62 (13)
Simplifying integration of sensor data using NFC enabled Multi-Sensor Node 255 4.33 (6)
How to avoid end of life from NAND correctable errors 252 4.50 (16)
You've Got the Power. Manage it Wisely. 247 4.59 (17)
Developing secure IoT devices with AWS IoT and the STM32L4 Discovery kit IoT node (Theatre Talk) 247 4.20 (5)
Super-Simple Tasker - Hardware RTOS for ARM Cortex-M 247 4.92 (51)
Marketing Malarkey and Some Truths About Ultra-Low Power Design 247 4.79 (39)
Secure Authentication for Any Core, Any Cloud (Theatre Talk) 244 4.38 (8)
Mycropython Projects 244 4.45 (20)
Overcoming Obstacles for Developing Exceptional Embedded User Interfaces (Theatre Talk) 241 4.11 (9)
How to Detect Anomalies in RTOS Applications 239 4.44 (32)
Firmware Co-Design & Development for IP Cores in C++/SystemC using Verilator (Theatre Talk) 238 4.15 (13)
Building Accelerated Applications with Vitis 237 4.38 (8)
C & C++ vs. Python: The Rise of Scripting Languages 234 4.67 (30)
Try Lager Data and Rediscover that Passion for Firmware Development! 233 4.78 (9)
The Embedded Frontier: Modern Trends and Practices 229 4.86 (36)
Tools and Techniques to Debug an Embedded Linux System 226 4.53 (32)
Soft Electronics 225 4.54 (28)
Improve your Embedded IoT Hardware Today (Theatre Talk) 225 4.62 (39)
Mindboggling Technologies of Today and Tomorrow 224 4.47 (36)
Preparing for the Future of Embedded C Programming: An Overview of the Upcoming ISO/IEC 9899:2023 C Standard 223 4.55 (44)
MISRA C: A Focus on Writing Clear, Maintainable Code 215 4.53 (55)
Bluetooth LE Audio Revolutionizes Wireless Audio (Theatre Talk) 215 4.44 (39)
Making robust FUOTA in ESP32 using Rollback (Theatre Talk) 214 4.65 (26)
SOLID Design for Embedded C 213 4.88 (51)
Computer Vision on Arm 211 4.29 (7)
An Introduction to The Zephyr Project RTOS 211 4.18 (34)
Partitioning for Security (Theatre Talk) 209 3.78 (18)
Creating Chaos and Hard Faults 204 4.85 (34)
Secure and Non-Secure application co-existence using TrustZone security technology 203 4.67 (6)
Enabling Motor Control Across a Range of NXP MCUs with MCUXpresso and FreeMASTER Visualization Tools 201 3.71 (7)
Linux on RISC-V (Theatre Talk) 201 4.48 (21)
Using QEMU to Get Started with Embedded Linux 197 4.50 (14)
Design Considerations for Serial Communications in an RTOS Environment 197 4.36 (14)
Battery life got you down? Use Joulescope! 194 4.33 (6)
Tips to Boost Your Productivity with Modern RTOSes (Theatre Talk) 193 4.33 (27)
Electromagnetic Fault Injection Made Easy with PicoEMP (Theatre Talk) 188 4.71 (21)
The State of the RTOS 188 4.89 (9)
Bluetooth mesh and Zigbee mesh networks on STM32WB MCUs (Theatre Talk) 187 4.53 (19)
Challenges and techniques to use Linux in Real-Time Systems 187 4.36 (22)
Building a Modular Codebase with Zephyr RTOS and Devicetree (Theatre Talk) 187 4.40 (25)
Dynamic Memory Allocation & Fragmentation in C/C++ 186 4.65 (26)
Debugging Embedded Devices at Scale: Effective Techniques for Diagnosis and Resolution (Theatre Talk) 186 4.87 (30)
Using Open-Source Build Tools in a Professional Environment (Theatre Talk) 186 4.15 (26)
How to Keep Your Secret (Key)? (Theatre Talk) 184 3.68 (28)
Modern C++ Interface Design 183 4.53 (19)
Prototyping Industrial Control Concept Applications Using MicroPython and the BBC micro:bit. 182 4.38 (8)
Advanced Debugging and Performance Analysis Techniques for Embedded Applications (Theatre Talk) 178 4.37 (30)
Easy Embedded Security Integration with STSAFE and STM32CubeMX (Theatre Talk) 176 4.20 (46)
Qt for MCUs. Ultimate performance. Tiny footprint. 173 3.60 (5)
Kickstarting your GUI Design with TouchGFX (Theatre Talk) 172 4.40 (20)
Bringing Low Power, High Performance Audio and Voice to Market on the i.MX RT600 Crossover MCU 170 4.25 (12)
Fixed-Point Filters – Modelling and Verification Using Python 169 4.79 (19)
Software as a Product Differentiator (Theatre Talk) 168 3.65 (17)
A Simple Embedded System in X Flavours 167 4.47 (51)
Otii Arc – Power Analyzer, UART Sync, Power Supply 166 3.57 (7)
Trustzone-M and beyond, with Renesas RA MCUs and tools (Theatre Talk) 166 4.10 (20)
Neural Networks: From GPU to MCU (Theatre Talk) 166 4.00 (15)
Debugging with OpenOCD 165 3.81 (36)
Instrumenting Embedded Applications 163 4.70 (27)
High Security RTOS (Theatre Talk) 163 4.16 (19)
Strategies for Developing Scalable Embedded Software for Microcontrolllers 160 4.67 (36)
Elemental Robotics and Inspirations from Nature 159 4.31 (26)
How to Run Object Detection on Constraint Devices 159 4.39 (18)
FreeRTOS and AWS IoT ExpressLink: Simplify and fast-track your embedded designs (Theatre Talk) 159 4.15 (20)
Outsmarting IoT Defense: The Hacker's Perspective 158 4.00 (25)
Enabling TrustZone Without the Complications (Theatre Talk) 157 3.87 (15)
Battery life got you down? Use Joulescope! 153 4.58 (12)
Leveraging DevOps for Streamlined Firmware Delivery (Theatre Talk) 153 3.50 (16)
RT-Smart Open Source Micro-kernel Operating System (Theatre Talk) 151 3.20 (10)
Discover the ST60 - New high-speed 60GHz RF Transceiver (Theatre Talk) 148 4.25 (8)
Demystifying the IEC/ISA 62443 Security Standard for Industrial Systems (Theatre Talk) 148 4.00 (5)
Tour of Embedded Systems: What in the World is Going On? 144 4.63 (35)
A Medical Device Primer for Embedded Software Engineers 143 4.81 (31)
Beat the Supply Chain by Making your Own Chips! (Theatre Talk) 143 4.75 (40)
SBOMs: Essential for Embedded Systems too! 142 4.36 (14)
Improve your Embedded Device Development: Effective UX & Back-End Collaboration 139 5.00 (1)
emlearn - Machine Learning for Tiny Embedded Systems 139 4.29 (35)
Simplifying High-Performance IoT and Industrial Applications with the i.MX RT1170 MCUs (Theatre Talk) 138 4.00 (6)
Showcasing the Latest Embedded Solutions as Shown at CES 2024 136 4.09 (22)
Compact Heterogenous Computing Platforms (Theatre Talk) 135 4.56 (9)
Creating Enterprise Grade Audio Models 130 3.00 (1)
Introduction to Millimeter Wave Radar Technology (Theatre Talk) 129 3.00 (13)
Revolutionizing Embedded Systems with AI: A Discussion on the Latest Developments 129 4.00 (6)
Factory Automation: NXP Solutions Bringing AI & ML to Embedded Applications (Theatre Talk) 127 4.73 (11)
Memfault Demo 127 4.52 (23)
Zephyr Tools To Debug Hardware (Theatre Talk) 127 4.46 (28)
The Device Feedback Loop - What does it mean for IoT Operations and Development? 124 N/A
Embedded Vision: an Introduction 124 4.70 (23)
Employing TSN Over Ethernet to Enable Precision Motor Control Through Operator Gesture 123 3.67 (3)
I want both: low CPU load and low E2E Latencies (Theatre Talk) 123 3.93 (15)
Mysteries of the Ancients: Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) 123 4.58 (26)
The Power of a Look-up Table 121 4.67 (24)
What's new in Bluetooth 5.4? 121 4.24 (25)
Understanding VFIO and UIO user space driver framework (Theatre Talk) 120 4.20 (5)
Understanding Frequency Response on Mixed-Signal Systems (Theatre Talk) 119 3.67 (12)
Compile-Time Programming in C++ Using Constexpr 119 4.68 (19)
MySQL as an Embedded Database 119 3.24 (17)
Breaking Good: Why Virtual Hardware Prefers Rough Handling (Theatre Talk) 114 4.73 (41)
The Modern UX is Mine: How Personalizing the Embedded GUI Unlocks the User Experience of Tomorrow (Theatre Talk) 113 4.64 (14)
Factory Automation: NXP Motor Control Solutions (Theatre Talk) 112 4.10 (10)
Running Up That HIL: A Guide to Starting with HIL 112 4.14 (22)
Getting Started with Embedded DevOps using Gitlab CI/CD Pipelines 112 4.70 (10)
OpenPLC: A Unique Approach to Programming Microchip Atmega328 microcontrollers 111 3.79 (14)
ESP32 I/O Primer 109 3.79 (14)
Safe Rust Multi-core Development on PSoC Microcontrollers (Theatre Talk) 109 4.17 (12)
Why your FPGA Design Might Need a Softcore Processor – What are the Options ? 108 4.42 (12)
Rust for Embedded Developers: The Peripheral Access Crate 107 4.55 (22)
Embedded Development with Qt: Exploring Use Cases Beyond MCUs and MPUs (Theatre Talk) 106 3.58 (12)
Introducing the PX5 RTOS 106 3.27 (22)
How to Leverage Dev Containers for Quick and Easy Zephyr OS Development Setup 104 4.05 (19)
Harnessing the power of ST's NFC ST25DV dynamic Tag using your smart phone (Theatre Talk) 103 4.25 (4)
ML on the Edge: Tradeoffs and Requirements 102 3.67 (15)
Building a Clean and Simple Command Line Interface in an RTOS Environment 102 3.67 (6)
How to Win at 62304 102 4.75 (24)
Build your Own Embedded Middleware 100 4.19 (16)
Beyond Coding: Toward Software Development Expertise 100 4.39 (18)
Mission Possible: An Emergency Release From the Beach with EBF 97 3.00 (10)
NanoEdge AI Studio V3 Product Overview 96 4.23 (13)
Truths and Myths about Automated Vehicle Safety 93 4.61 (18)
Incremental Rotary Encoders 92 4.38 (16)
Exploring the Arm® TrustZone® Feature on LPC5500 Series MCUs 91 4.50 (4)
Working with custom ISA extensions in RISC-V (Theatre Talk) 90 3.75 (4)
Adopting an Energy-Saving Mindset for IoT World (Theatre Talk) 90 3.47 (15)
Design Considerations for Robust RF Performance (Theatre Talk) 90 4.22 (9)
Modern C++ in Embedded Development: Expressive Compile-Time Computation 89 4.39 (18)
Considerations for Abstraction Based Connectivity Solutions (Theatre Talk) 88 3.00 (5)
Example of BDD Style TDD For Embedded System Software 88 4.73 (15)
Safety Critical System Design on ARM Cortex-M 88 4.57 (14)
Hardening Linux for Embedded Systems 87 4.71 (14)
Leveraging multiple Cores for an immersive UX (Theatre Talk) 86 2.83 (6)
Build Versus Buy 86 3.56 (18)
Introduction to the Data Model Architecture for Embedded Systems 86 4.72 (18)
Inspiring Students and Empowering Teachers: Firia Labs Levels-Up Educational Robotics! 85 5.00 (6)
Scaling Agile Development in Large-Scale Embedded Projects 85 4.44 (16)
Holistic prototyping: A systems-level approach to DFM (Theatre Talk) 83 4.24 (17)
Arm® Pelion™ Device Management with PSoC® 64 Secure MCUs 82 4.80 (5)
NXP Enabling Industrial Automation (Theatre Talk) 82 3.38 (8)
The Ports-and-Adapters Architecture for Embedded HMIs 81 4.16 (19)
Battery-less IoT devices - An Introduction to Energy Harvesting for Embedded Systems 80 3.47 (17)
Tuxera Reliance Edge power-failsafe file system demo 78 4.88 (8)
AUTOSAR Methodology applied to ECU Diagnostics Architecture and Workflow 78 3.91 (11)
Hacking FPGAs & SoC FPGAs 74 4.00 (9)
Preparing for the Cyber Resilience Act 74 4.56 (9)
Solving Remote Manufacturing Challenges using the Cloud (Theatre Talk) 72 5.00 (1)
Leveraging Cryptography in Cyclone Programmer 70 4.50 (6)
Working with custom ISA extensions in RISC-V 68 4.00 (3)
Zephyr RTOS in Action: Versatile Development for Embedded Software 68 4.93 (14)
SDV and the New Moving Computers (Theatre Talk) 67 4.20 (5)
Using RPI Pico for testing your FPGA Application 66 4.46 (13)
Smart NFC Sensor Node (Theatre Talk) 66 3.57 (7)
FOTA-First Approach: a CI/CD Example 64 3.90 (10)
Zephyr RTOS Programming with the BBC Microbit v2 64 4.00 (5)
Architecting for Safe Embedded Systems that Integrate Open Source Components 63 4.78 (9)
Embedded System for IoT in Rural : A Proposed Solution 54 3.17 (12)
Power Management on Linux: From the Hardware to the Kernel and User Space Interfaces 53 4.75 (12)
Rust and C++ Inter-operability 53 4.71 (7)
CRC Algorithms 52 5.00 (2)
Hardware Security Analysis on Soft-Core RISC-V Processors 52 5.00 (4)
Hands-on With CUDA-C on a Nvidia Jetson Nano GPU 51 4.70 (10)
Critical data preservation with Reliance Edge™ 50 4.33 (3)
Practical SBOM Management with Zephyr and SPDX (Theatre Talk) 43 4.50 (8)
Demo: Using Arm Cortex-M55 with Arm Keil MDK 42 4.75 (4)
What the FAQ is Switch Bounce & Debounce? 27 4.40 (5)
Aggregating Data and Sensor Programming With The Arduino Nano 33BLE Sense Board 25 4.33 (3)
Why Real-Time Systems Need a Real-Time Database 23 N/A
An Overview of Bluetooth MESH 19 5.00 (1)
Edge Computing - The Future of Embedded Systems 18 N/A
How to Migrate to a New FPGA Device Manufacturer 11 N/A
Enabling Rapid Prototype for Physical Interaction Design Using A M5Stack Core 9 N/A
Pre-screening Oral Tongue Lesions using TinyML 8 4.50 (4)
Cancelled - Mastering the Fine Art of the Hardware / Software / FPGA Boundaries N/A